You answer “yes” or “no” to questions by restating the verb used in the question.

E.g. 你是中国人吗? 是,我是中国人.

In many cases when it is obvious, the pronoun is dropped. So in the above example, we answer rather than 我是.

To reply “no” to such a question we negate the verb in question.
So in the example above:

Are you Chinese? Am not. I’m not Chinese.
你是中国人吗? 不是, 我不是中国人.

can change tone depending on the tone of the word that follows directly after it. If the word carries a falling tone, then is pronounced with a rising tone .

The in 一点 literally means “one” (you will learn numbers in lesson 6). There is no translation for “a” in Chinese so they use “one” instead.

The possessive particle is sometimes omitted, when multiple objects require it, so you may hear 你中文说得很好 or 你的中文说得很好.

Note that in written form the  in 我中文说得不好 is different from the standard possessive particle  we see in 你的. Here it’s used as an adverbial particle to describe his speaking, rather than as a possessive particle.

Review Questions: Translate the following.

1. Are you American? Show Answer

2. No, I am British. Show Answer

3. I can speak a little Chinese. Show Answer

4. You speak English very well. Show Answer

5. I’m sorry, I can’t speak Chinese very well. Show Answer

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