Lesson 236: Notes

1. As mentioned in the lesson, most Chinese festivals follow the lunar (Chinese traditional) calendar, while Western festivals follow the Western (solar) calendar. In addition to 农曆, other names for the traditional Chinese calendar include:


In addition to 新曆, other names for the Western / solar calendar include:


2. 端午节 is a public holiday in both mainland China and in Taiwan. During this time, 赛龙船 are held in public rivers to celebrate the festival.

3. 粽子, commonly eaten during 端午节 is a dumpling containing glutinous rice stuffed with other fillings and then wrapped in bamboo leaves.

4. , in Chinese culture are symbols of power and considered lucky.

Lesson 235: Notes

1. In addition to their literal meanings, 整天 and 半天 can be used in similar ways to their English counterparts. In both cases they are used to exaggerate a time description such as “I waited all day” or “I waited half a day”.

2. 再来 is another way to say 接下来, as seen in the sentence 我们再来看一些其他的例子.

3. 起来 has a meaning of “to start” in 感觉起来跟白色很像 and 感觉起来就会变得像黑色.

Lesson 234: Notes

1. You can see a new way of asking “What do you know about” by instead asking “What do you have in common with”, as seen in 那你跟健康的生活有什么关系

2. 目的 has a more specific range than 目标. It is generally used for much shorter term objectives while 目标 refers to longer term visions.

3. In Chinese, we often refer to “practicing” lifting weights, as seen in 那你常常练习举重吗

4. The is added to the end of verbs to describe an action that is performed for an extended period, as opposed to just an instance, as seen in 我试着做瑜伽. In this example, the speaker is emphasizing that he was performing yoga for an extended period as opposed to trying for an instance and giving up right away.

5. 就好了 is often used in situations where a conclusion has been reached (possibly prematurely). In the sentence 所以那时候我做了一个决定就是专心做举重就好了 he has now decided just to lift weights, whereas previously his goal may have been to do other exercises as well.

6. 不要 can be added to statements to turn them into the imperative form, as seen in 记得不要吃太多对身体不好的零食跟小吃.

Lesson 233: Notes

1. In the lesson, the speaker says: 我跟你吵架才不是是你先开始的. The 才不是 is another way to refute what the original speaker says. It has a slightly less strong meaning than 并不是.

2. In Taiwan, it is common to hear 看起来, as in 为什么你今天看起来心情不太好? In mainland China however, you are more likely to hear 看上去.

3. As mentioned in the lesson, the in 他昨天晚上很晚才回家 emphasizes the lateness of the person coming home. It can be thought as meaning it was very late before he got home, or he didn’t get home until it was very late.

Later in the lesson however, we see a different occurrence of in 她的男朋友才会觉得他的女朋友不够尊重他. Here it’s being used to show that this action (feeling that his girlfriend doesn’t respect him enough) is a result of a condition that occurred earlier (his girlfriend scolded him).

4. The in 又没有跟我说为什么 is used when describing situations in the past. When talking about the future in this way, one would use .

5. 天呀! is written (and pronounced) in different ways in different regions. Other variations include: 天啊! or 天哪!

Lesson 232: Notes

1. One sentence pattern for 不管,is 不管 followed by a question, then the result. In this lesson we saw 不管是不是我的错我还是会说很抱歉. Note how the 是不是我的错 is a question on its own. Similarly you could say:


2. You may also hear 天呀 pronounced as 天啊 or even 天哪.

3. Like in English, you have a fight with someone, as seen in the question 那你常常跟别人吵架吗? If the subjects are already known, you can omit this particle as in 难怪你们常常吵架.

4. You use to show respect towards someone as in 一定是因为你对女人都很不尊重.

You can also use to expression emotions about someone as in 我不知道你对我刚刚说的话这么认真.

5. We describe a patient person as someone who has patience as in 我是不是很有耐心啊 and 因为我很有耐心.

6. You can say gossip related to someone as in 你说了跟我有关系的八卦 or you can say “I said your gossip” as in 我说了你的八卦吗.

Lesson 230: Notes

In the sentence pattern 除了, 以外, you may sometimes see the 除了 omitted, or the 以外 omitted. Take a look at the following examples:


Lesson 229: Notes

1. 注意 can be also be used as an adverb, such as in 他会特别注意看哪一个部分

Similarly you could also say 注意听.

2. 我还在想说 as seen in 我还在想说, 今天的课怎么那么短 has the same meaning as 我还在想.

Similarly, 像是 has the same meaning as

3. is the measure word for schools, as seen in 所以如果你在一所不错的大学或研究所念书, 你应该会有更多的机会找到比别人好的工作.

Lesson 228: Notes

1. Previously we have defined as “to call” out. We see it with a different usage of “to order” someone to do something in the sentence 而且我老板还叫我训练她.

2. In the sentence 哇,你好像很期待的样子 and 听起来好像很开心的样子, the 样子 refers to the person’s manner.

3. We see the measure word for people used in 是一位小姐 and 这个男人的工作应该是一位经理.

In 所以在这段时间, the is a measure word for a particular period of time.

4. There are two grammar particles used in the sentence 哇!你太享受你现在的工作环境了吧
The signifies that the person’s situation has changed, as in he now enjoys his work environment more than he did before. The indicates that the speaker is merely stating his opinion, as opposed to stating a fact.

5. can be used in multiple ways, such as 像他们会给你免费的健康保险 and 训练漂亮的员工就像是一种福利.

Lesson 226: Notes

1. While 最近 has been taught as meaning “recently” it can also be used to describe the future. Compare these two sentences:

a. 我老板最近想要雇用一个新的员工.

b. 其实, 是因为最近很多同事被炒鱿鱼.

2. 并不是 is used in response to a statement that you completely disagree with.

3. We can see another example of the conditional in 其实, 是因为最近很多同事被炒鱿鱼. 所以老板才需要雇用新的员工. The emphasizes that the clause that follows it (my boss needs to hire new employees) is occurring because of the preceding clause (many coworkers have been fired recently).

4. We can see a few examples of in:

a. 其实, 是因为最近很多同事被炒鱿鱼.
b. 那些被炒鱿鱼的员工是真的很不好吗?
c. 所以她想知道这个男人会不会怕他有一天被他老板炒鱿鱼.
d. 而且你也不用担心你会被炒鱿鱼了.

5. In this lesson, you learned two ways to say the term “fired” – note how both of them seem quite indirect.

a. 炒鱿鱼
b. 请他们走路

Lesson 227: Notes

1. We can see the meaning of 要看 in 要看工作.

2. Compare 学好 with 学不会. You can see their usage in 有些人在学习新的事情的时候很快就可以学好 and 那如果有人真的学不会怎么办

3. 环境 refers to circumstance or surroundings, as opposed to nature.


Lesson 225: Notes

1. In many cases, when the subject has already been determined, it can be omitted. You can see this in the second sentence of: 今天我们要继续这个题目. 看我们在找工作, 或是面试的时候, 我们可能会听到哪些问题.

2. As mentioned in the lesson, in some countries in Asia, there is a standard application form used by all companies. These forms can be purchased at department stores and convenience stores. A job applicant could then fill them out by himself and drop them off at the companies he is applying for. In Western countries, the job applicant would be expected to prepare his own resume in his own style to be given to the company he is applying at.

3. 帮你 has an alternate meaning of “to do something for you” as seen in 如果是公司帮你准备的履历表, 这样老闆就能比较容易找到他要的资料.

4. Note how a person’s personality “coming out” is described in 我们可以从那些自己做的履历表里面看出一个人的个性.

5. While has many meanings, we see it used in a conditional form in 因为如果老闆要跟你联络, 他需要对的资料, 这样他才找得到你. Here it indicates that the clause that comes after it (the boss can find you) can only occur if the condition that occurred before it (the boss has your correct contact information) took place.

6. While we have seen 考试 before, here we have the verb used by itself in 你也可以去考一些证照.

Lesson 224: Notes

While in general the metric system is universally used in China and Taiwan, there are also some measures used that are only found in Chinese culture. Many of the measures used in Taiwan are based on Dutch and Japanese colonial history and so aren’t found in mainland China. Likewise there are many traditional measure units that are only used in mainland China, which also differ from those used in Hong Kong. Take a look at the vocabulary page to see some of the other measure units in Chinese.

Lesson 223: Notes

1. Related to 品牌 is 名牌.

2. As mentioned in the lesson, while you may recognize many famous brand names like Mcdonald’s and Coca-cola in China and Taiwan, they are not necessarily known by their English names locally, which is why it is important to learn their Chinese names, as taught in this lesson. You can also read more about this subject in this article.

3. When picking a Chinese name, most companies go for a transliteration into Chinese of their approximate English sound, such as 索尼. In other cases they may choose a more literal meaning such as 微软 or a combination of literal and transliteration such as 星巴克.

4. We’ve seen the construction 一边一边 used before to describe doing two actions at the same time. We see it used here in 很多人喜欢到那里一边跟朋友聊天一边和好喝的咖啡.

5. We’ve seen 看起来 and 听起来 before. Here we see 喝起来 in the sentence 嗯,我认为这两种可乐的味道喝起来都很像.

Lesson 222: Notes

1. 许多 is a synonym for 很多, as seen in the sentence 网路改变了许多人的生活习惯.

2. In Taiwan the character is pronounced hàn, as heard in 或是用网路下载电影和音乐等等.

3. We see the term 面对面 used in the sentence 或许是因为他们比较喜欢跟人面对面沟通的那种感觉吧.

Lesson 218: Notes

1. 对我来说 is a very useful construct. Similarly you can have:

a. 对你来说
b. 对他们来说, as seen in the sentence 或是他们觉得选举对他们来说不是那么重要.
c. 一般来说

2. We’ve seen 没办法 before. In the dialogue we saw 想办法 in the line 我们的政府应该要想办法.

3. The “If” meaning is sometimes not explicitly stated, as seen in the line 好像真的是这样希望新的政府真的能让我们国家的经济变得越来越好.

4. While in English we vote for a person, in Chinese we give our vote to someone, as seen in the lines

a. 人民会投票给他们比较喜欢的人
b. 所以她应该不是投给新的政府.
c. 或许她就会投给别人

A more descriptive way is shown in the line 他们都会把票投给对他们比较有帮助的人.

5. is a suffix added to indicate an action that continues for an extended period, as opposed to a particular moment. We see it in the sentence 他们会等着看结果.

Lesson 219: Notes

1. Previously we defined 课程 as meaning “course.” However it can also be used to mean “lesson” as seen in the sentence 在上一次的课程,我们讨论的题目是选举.

2. It’s worth noting the format used to identify locations of things in Chinese such as:


3. 消息 can refer to news in a person’s life or of a more personal nature, as opposed to 新闻 which deals with news of a more public nature.

4. In this lesson, we saw many examples of being interested in something. The format is 有兴趣 such as in:


5. 比较喜欢 which literally means “more like” is used to say “prefer”, as in the sentence 我比较喜欢看电视上的新闻.

6. 一开始 is used to show when something first begins. We saw it used in 通常在新闻一开始的时候 会先告诉你有哪些头条新闻.

7. Note the lack of an explicit “if” in the sentence 因为如果在介绍的时候有你想看的新闻你就会继续看他们的报导.

8. You can see the versatility of in 嗯,因为每天都会出新的报纸 and 杂志可能是一个礼拜或是两个礼拜才出一次.

Lesson 220: Notes

This lesson seemed to be pretty straightforward as far as the language and grammar used, so there are no new notes to add. Take a look at the vocabulary section to see more words related to computers. If there are other useful words that you would like us to add, send us a comment.

Lesson 221: Notes

1. The sentence pattern for “to send something to someone” is “send give someone”, as seen in 我朋友寄了电子邮件给我 and 所以这个男人收到他朋友寄给他的电子邮件.

2. is added to the end of verbs to indicate completion of the action. Take a look at the following examples from this lesson:


3. Similarly, the structure 不到 is used to indicate an action that has not been completed. We saw 看不到 in 可是我看不到里面的照片. Similarly you can also say:


Lesson 217: Notes

1. The word is used several times in this lesson. We first see it when Kirin asked the question 那经济要怎样才会变得比较好? The 怎样 here is short for 怎么样.

We also see it used in other sentences:

a. 这样可以让他们的生活过的比较舒服.

b. 这样他们就没有很多钱可以花.

c. 这样商店就没办法把他们的产品卖出去.

d. 这样商店赚的钱就会变的越来越少

e. 所以如果税的标准比较低这样我就有比较多的钱可以买东西.

f. 哇,这样也不好.

g. 这样在经济不好的时候我们才不怕钱不够用.

h. 而且你常常注意你产品的品质怎么样.

2. We previously learned the word 标准 in a different form than it is used here in 如果税的标准太高.

3. 没办法 is used quite often in sentences, as shown in:

a. 然后他们也就没办法跟工厂买产品.

b. 可是如果税太低政府就没办法开新的学校,医院,公园等等.

4. The best way to get a feel for grammar particles like is to see them used in context. Take a look at the following sentences:

a. 那么那个国家的人就会有比较多的工作机会可以赚钱.

b. 然后,他们就会花钱买他们想要的东西.

c. 人民剩下的钱就会变得很少.

d. 这样他们就没有很多钱可以花.

e. 那很多商店的客人就会变得越来越少这样商店就没办法把他们的产品卖出去.

f. 这样商店赚的钱就会变的越来越少然后他们也就没办法跟工厂买产品. 最后这些工厂就没有生意可以做.

g. 这样我就有比较多的钱可以买东西.

h. 可是如果税太低政府就没办法开新的学校,医院,公园等等.

i. 最好的方法就是.

j. 我们平常就要注意我们国家经济的情况.

k. 那很有可能就试着个工业的问题.

l. 你的客户当然就不会再回来跟你买东西.

5. is used a couple of times in conditional clauses, where the second clause depends on the first.

a. 那经济要怎样才会变得比较好

b. 这样在经济不好的时候我们才不怕钱不够用

6. While  and sound the same, they have very different meanings. Here is how  is used:

a. 让我们先介绍今天的生字等一下我再解释.

b. 有,你要想有什么方法可以让你的客户一直再回来买你的产品.

c. 你的客户当然就不会再回来跟你买东西.

7. And here is how  is used:

a. 这样在经济不好的时候.

b. 比如说,你可以把商店开在人比较多的地方

c. 或是在网路上介绍你的生意给大家知道等等.

Lesson 216: Notes

1. Take a look at the examples of ,in this lesson:

然后进口的相反是 出口, 就是把产品从你的国家卖到别的国家.

2. 要看 is used in 这要看你的国家.

3. You can see a slightly different way of comparing in 而且平常我们进口的东西都会比当地卖的贵一些.

4. We can see the use of “one can say” or “you can say” in 所以这些地方可以说是泰国的优点.

Lesson 215: Notes

1. is used to show an action that is in progress or continuing, as in 然后他们拿着地图. By using here, it indicates that they took the map with them, as opposed to taking out a map, then leaving it there.

2. 只好 is used in 因为么办法,他们只好用走的.

3. 带走, which literally means “take go” is used in 我们每一个人必须从车上带走一个东西.

4. after a verb, can indicate completion of that action, such as 他们都拿好了以后.

5. You can see a couple of different ways used to ask and reply in: 几分钟后,第二个人问第一个人说 and 第三个人回答说

Lesson 212: Notes

1. The song featured in this lesson uses the same tune, and has similar lyrics to its English counterpart – “Head and shoulders, knees and toes.”

2. As explained in the lesson many nouns are made up of two characters, but when used in context, they can be reduced to single characters.

Lesson 211: Notes

1. Some names of foods in Chinese are transliterations of their English counterparts. Examples in today’s lesson include:


2. Meals in traditional Chinese restaurants are usually served in the middle of the table on a revolving platter. Guests each have their own bowls, plates and chopsticks. Serving spoons and common chopsticks are used to pick and choose the foods they want to put on their plate. Rice is usually made available in a separate bucket, that is constantly refilled to make sure it is always plentiful.

3. Cold drinks are usually served at the end of the meal. During the meal, hot tea is usually made available.

4. Fortune cookies while commonly found in Western Chinese restaurants are rarely found in mainland China and Taiwan.

Lesson 209: Notes

1. These types of lessons are useful for providing a different context for vocabulary you already know. The phrases and expressions you hear in dialogues are different from those used in written articles like this one. Here are some highlights:

a. 在过去
b. 可是, 最近几年
c. 所以现在的人
d. 所以, 想成功的人

2. is used in a couple of different ways in the article.

a. 很容易就可以找到工作

Here it indicates that the second part (finding work) occurs soon after.

b. 在过去, 学生大学毕业后, 他们就会在那个工作做很多年

Here instead of speed, it suggests a definite result. The working at the job for many years is a direct result of graduating.

Lesson 208: Notes

1. In this lesson, we learned the word 例子. Compare this with 比如说 and .

2. There are many words in Chinese that are variations of 方法. Take a look at the following examples:

a. 用法

虽然他们有两个一样的电脑可是他们对电脑的用法不一样. 一个是用来工作一个是用来玩游戏.

b. 想法



c. 看法


d. 说法

同样的故事, 有很多不同的说法.

Lesson 207: Notes

This lesson introduces some suffixes that are commonly used to describe places. By adding the appropriate suffix to nouns we have already known, we can create the names of some new places.

– Used in 茶馆, 旅馆, 博物馆, 咖啡馆, 餐馆, 饭馆, 图书馆.

– Used in 飞机场, 市场, 棒球场, 足球场, 篮球场, 网球场, 停车场.

– Used in 公车站, 火车站, 加油站

Lesson 206: Notes

1. 乡下 refers to the countryside. Cities in Asia can be very crowded, so on weekends it is common for people to go to the countryside to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Taiwan Countryside

2. 云海 can be seen from high altitudes, when the weather conditions are right. Clouds form a layer below you, giving the impression of a white sea.

Sea of Clouds

3. 温泉 are common in Taiwan and Japan, and are another relaxing way for people to enjoy their weekends and times off.

洗温泉 literally means “to wash” or “bathe” in the hot springs. You may also hear 泡温泉 meaning “to soak” in the hot springs.

Hot Springs

Lesson 205: Notes

Sentence Patterns:

Learning and recognizing these sentence patterns can go a long way towards helping you understand Chinese grammar:

1. 是, 的

This pattern is used when we are adding new information to something already known.

a. 你是从哪里来的

We know this person isn’t from here, but we want to know where he’s from.

b. 为什么天空是蓝色的

We know the sky is blue, but we want to know why.

2. 虽然, 可是

This pattern is different from English, as it often features a “but” in the second half.

a. 虽然他很胖, 可是他跑得很快.

b. 虽然她会煮饭, 可是她煮得很难吃.

3. 才, 就.

This pattern is used when the second event unexpectedly occurs soon after the first one.

a. 我才刚说到你, 你就来了.

b. 你昨天才买的手机, 怎么现在就坏了.

4. 先, 再.

This sentence pattern is used to describe steps that occur one after the other.

a. 先直走, 再右转.

b. 你要先买蛋, 再去买牛奶.

5. 每, 都.

This pattern describes an event that always occurs during the specified interval.

a. 他每一个早上都会去公园跑步.

b. 每一次跟他约看电影, 他都会迟到.

6. .

This pattern is used more often in Chinese than in English.

a. 我刚刚把垃圾拿去丢.

Here the pattern is more literal, and describes the action of taking the trash and throwing it away.

b. 你可以把他的电话号码给我吗

Here the pattern is less literal and describes taking the number and giving it.

7. 一, 都.

This pattern describes not having anything, not even a little.

a. 我一点都不会说法文.

b. 他一个朋友都没有.

8. 的时候, 正在.

This pattern describes an event that is already occurring when another one takes place.

a. 朋友来的时候, 我正在吃饭.

b. 他下班的时候, 外面正在下雨.

9. 的话.

This pattern describes three ways to use “if.”

a. 如果我有空, 我会打电话给你.

b. 如果有空的话, 我会打电话给你.

c. 有空的话, 我会打电话给你.

Lesson 204: Notes

1. While we have taught 另外 in the past, it is being used in a different context in:


2. You can see how 一下 can be tacked on to many actions to indicate performing it for a short instance as in:


3. 稍等一下 is a more polite way of saying 等一下 and is commonly used in situations where you have to wait for service.

4. In some regions of China, you may hear 等一会儿 which has the same meaning as 等一下.

5. Since the sun is closely related to the time of day, the word shares the meaning of “day” and “sun.”

6. 中午 and 半夜 differ slightly from their English counterparts as they refer to a two hour time period of 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. respectively.

7. Asking “how often” is usually done in a more specific manner as seen in:


Lesson 202: Notes

1. is used to describe “in” a situation: 在不一样的情况下.

2. Note the words used to keep the lesson progressing:
